Partition of Palestine between Arabs and Jews and the termination of the mandate are recommended by the Royal Commission, whose unanimous report is published to-day.
The British Government, in a statement of policy, also issued to-day, accepts the proposal. Partition on the general lines recommended ╥represents,╙ it believes, ╥the best and most hopeful solution of the deadlock.╙
After a transitional period it is proposed to set up two sovereign independent States ╤ an Arab State composed to Trans-Jordan and that part of Palestine allotted to the Arabs, and a Jewish State consisting of the part of Palestine allotted to the Jews.
Jerusalem and Bethlehem, with a corridor to the sea, would form part of a small enclave to be reserved under a new British mandate. Jaffa would form an outlying part of the new Arab State.
Grants for the Arab State
The Jewish State would pay a subvention to the Arab State, which would also receive ú2,000,000 from Britain.
The Commission declares its inability if the mandate is maintained to make recommendations for the ╥removal╙ and ╥prevention of the recurrence╙ of the grievances of Arabs and Jews ╤ as instructed by its terms of reference. It suggests certain ╥palliatives╙ but insists that only the ╥surgical operation╙ of partition ╥offers a chance of ultimate peace. No other plan does.╙
The Royal Commission╒s report will now be taken to Geneva. A special meeting of the Permanent Mandates Commission has been summoned there for July 30. American consent is necessary to any modification of the mandate.